Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Gotta have sweet, gotta have flashbacks!
I was opening up a piece of gum the other day and I'm reminded of a ride in the back seat of my parents '74 Chevy Impala when I was about five years old. My friend and I were picked up from dance class and were on our way home. My Mom passes us a pack of gum, and we dig in. All of a sudden while chomping down on my Juicy Fruit I had a brilliant idea. Since my birthday was coming up, I would write my invitations on the paper part of the wrapper of the gum, wrap it back up and had it out to my friends. It was brilliant, the necessary info for the party, a little sparkle (the foil part), and a treat to boot. I proudly told my Mom about the idea right away. She shot it down faster than she hits the break when someone is slowing down a mile in front of her. But she did offer to take me shopping for something nicer. I was satisfied to shop, and completely forgot about the gum idea. So what would have happened if I indeed invited my friends to my birthday party on a gum wrapper. Would the entire family have been embarrassed, would anyone have come to the shin dig? Or would it have been a huge hit, the next best way to send a message with a treat since the fortune cookie? Who knows, I guess I'll never know. Yes a weird story, but you gotta love those random memories that pop into your head.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Magnetic Eyelids
What is it about being in class that makes me so sleepy. I know this effects other people too, because I can see heads bobbing in class, and people with impressions of buttons on their cheek in the halls. How can your eyelids all of a sudden have to power to stay open? I haven't been to school in almost a year, and this week I'm faced with insurance class. One of the most boring subjects I've ever been in front of, so you can imagine how heavy my eyelids are. And I'll go out on a limb here and say it's not always the teachers fault. Most of the time it could be, but I've even fallen asleep in my favorite classes during a great lecture. We also know it's not ourselves, not those plush chairs in class rooms, so what is it. I propose a study to find out what about a class room makes fighting z's an impossible battle. And in the mean time, insurance class teacher guy, please tell the state I attended my 52 hrs, because if I have to come again I'll be carrying my pillow in.
Friday, March 19, 2004
I turned twenty-six and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.
If being 26 is going to be as good as 25 was, bring it on! I had one of the best years of my life, and now that I'm looking forward I think the next one will be even better. A re-cap of my twenty-fifth year on this planet.
Bling Bling...Made more money while I was 25 than any other two years combined. Seems obvious since I'm at the point where I'm getting started with a career, but there's more too it. Many of my co-workers doing the same thing made half as much as me. I got lucky getting into the position, but I kicked ass at my job. So now I'm some place new, and not making as much money. The good news is, if all goes as I plan I should be kicking my previous gross income into outer space with in the next few years.
Pink slip...Sounds like a bad thing, but it was probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. I got laid off, and first I was pissed. I was one of the top sales persons in the office, but I got let go because of seniority. But it taught me a few things and opened up the opportunity of a life time. First I learned that I need a job that rewards and compensates for performance, therefore never again accept a position in a company that promotes and fires based on seniority. Second, work for yourself even if you work for someone else. And of course the best part about being laid off, vacation with severance pay!!! All of a sudden having loads of free time and a pay check at the same time let me take vacations of a life time. I spent about five weeks traveling. Some with my family, who even though we fight a lot, I love to spend time with and three of those weeks were in Europe (my first time) on my own. And I loved it. I threw a coin in Trevi fountain because I will be back to Rome. I fell in love with Italy, and all because I got a severance package.
I'm melting...Did what almost every women in America says she'll do but never does, shed a few pounds. I think I'm like most women out there, I just wanted to lose 5 or 10 pounds. No big deal, but I actually did it and it was easy.
We need to talk...I had some really meaningful conversations with Steve. A lot of it good, but even less pleasant conversations have been valuable to our relationship. Thank you Steve.
The icing on the cake...Got a dream job. Independence, unlimited income potential, my own office, and benefits; who could ask for more. I'm not, but guess what, there's more: most everyone I work with is cool (gotta say most cause you never know if my nemesis is disguised for the time being), my boss is possibly the best boss I'll ever have, the environment is motivating, I get to try out my own ideas, and did I mention an office? I just started a few months ago and I can't wait to see where this position is going to take me.
There's a man sleeping on my couch.
For some reason I find it strange that my Dad is crashing on my couch. True the circumstances are unusual ,but not totally unavoidable if better planned. So he asks me, and I'm thinking to my self, wasn't not too long ago that I was asking him to borrow the car to hang with my friends? But really it's been years, and since this visit coincided with my birthday, I'm feeling a little aged. No biggy, I'm not complaining. The good news about dear old Dad coming over is that he's moving out of a crumby time in his life to try something new. Specifically he dumped the crack-ho girlfriend! Almost more than my birthday this kick-to-the-curb deserves a celebration!!!
Oh the pent up blogging I need to release...
I have neglected my brand new blog for a week. At it's young age I hope I haven't damaged it. So I've got a few things to talk about that I'll break this up into a few different posts to make more sense.
Friday, March 12, 2004
I'm willing to bet a post like this one is on 90% of blogs out there.
I've started to write about three topics already, and everything is coming out like shit. So hear are a few things that I feel are shitty but can't seem to avoid:
-My cable bill-why should watching HBO and getting online cost me a Ben Franklin?
-Dirty dishes-self explanatory.
-Rude sales people at high end stores-they didn't design the fuckin' shoes, they just say, "would you like your receipt or should I put it in the bag."
-People who lie-although mostly shitty, sometimes a bad liar can be a good laugh.
-Flakey people-friends are good for this but in business, its a sure fire way to lose confidence in someone.
-Traffic-self explanatory.
-Running out of limes-the one day you really need a cosmo, you have zero limes.
-Toll Roads-this is a love hate relationship, love them for how much time they save me, hate them when I'm day dreaming and accidentally miss my toll. A buck twenty-five trip turns into thirty-five big ones.
-Abrasive stairs-the stairs to my apartment are small and abrasive, so I tend to scrape the toes of my pointy shoes a lot.
-Thinking of something witty to say after the fact-man, this one bugs me. If I had a wish, it would be for unfailing, perfectly timed wit.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
It's not Christmas but it has potential
There is one person I give credit to for introducing me to blogging, and it's Kristy. I dedicate this post to you.
I've been introduced to a new holiday today. It's on March 14th, it was inspired by Valentines Day, and its purpose is to let our men know how much we care about them. It's Steak and BJ Day. Just in case you're not clear on what to do for your significant other on this special day refer to the official web site in the side bar. I don't know how my fellow females feel, but I support Steak and BJ Day. Can you think of a better way to persuade the special man in your life to put a little effort into Valentines? Or even the entire month of February and the first part of March if they know you'll be putting out your best efforts. Anyway what's the most you'll have to do, throw a steak on the grill and suffer sore cheeks? Just think about the leverage...
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Inaugural Post
Intense ipsilateral temporal and orbital pain developing 20 to 30 seconds after the introduction of cold stimulus to the posterior palate. Ah yes, the dreaded "ice cream headache." You might describe one as the face twisting pain between your eyes you get when you inhale your wild cherry slurpee. Basically how does one come across the more technical version, well on the Internet. The Internet is home to all sorts of these little goodies. If editorials devoted to the scientific explanation of the "ice cream headache" exist, a blog authored by yours truly shall make a home on the world wide web as well. I can only hope as many people will post comments on my blog that the "brain freeze" has managed to earn.
What is it about being in class that makes me so sleepy. I know this effects other people too, because I can see heads bobbing in class, and people with impressions of buttons on their cheek in the halls. How can your eyelids all of a sudden have to power to stay open? I haven't been to school in almost a year, and this week I'm faced with insurance class. One of the most boring subjects I've ever been in front of, so you can imagine how heavy my eyelids are. And I'll go out on a limb here and say it's not always the teachers fault. Most of the time it could be, but I've even fallen asleep in my favorite classes during a great lecture. We also know it's not ourselves, not those plush chairs in class rooms, so what is it. I propose a study to find out what about a class room makes fighting z's an impossible battle. And in the mean time, insurance class teacher guy, please tell the state I attended my 52 hrs, because if I have to come again I'll be carrying my pillow in.
Friday, March 19, 2004
I turned twenty-six and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.
If being 26 is going to be as good as 25 was, bring it on! I had one of the best years of my life, and now that I'm looking forward I think the next one will be even better. A re-cap of my twenty-fifth year on this planet.
Bling Bling...Made more money while I was 25 than any other two years combined. Seems obvious since I'm at the point where I'm getting started with a career, but there's more too it. Many of my co-workers doing the same thing made half as much as me. I got lucky getting into the position, but I kicked ass at my job. So now I'm some place new, and not making as much money. The good news is, if all goes as I plan I should be kicking my previous gross income into outer space with in the next few years.
Pink slip...Sounds like a bad thing, but it was probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. I got laid off, and first I was pissed. I was one of the top sales persons in the office, but I got let go because of seniority. But it taught me a few things and opened up the opportunity of a life time. First I learned that I need a job that rewards and compensates for performance, therefore never again accept a position in a company that promotes and fires based on seniority. Second, work for yourself even if you work for someone else. And of course the best part about being laid off, vacation with severance pay!!! All of a sudden having loads of free time and a pay check at the same time let me take vacations of a life time. I spent about five weeks traveling. Some with my family, who even though we fight a lot, I love to spend time with and three of those weeks were in Europe (my first time) on my own. And I loved it. I threw a coin in Trevi fountain because I will be back to Rome. I fell in love with Italy, and all because I got a severance package.
I'm melting...Did what almost every women in America says she'll do but never does, shed a few pounds. I think I'm like most women out there, I just wanted to lose 5 or 10 pounds. No big deal, but I actually did it and it was easy.
We need to talk...I had some really meaningful conversations with Steve. A lot of it good, but even less pleasant conversations have been valuable to our relationship. Thank you Steve.
The icing on the cake...Got a dream job. Independence, unlimited income potential, my own office, and benefits; who could ask for more. I'm not, but guess what, there's more: most everyone I work with is cool (gotta say most cause you never know if my nemesis is disguised for the time being), my boss is possibly the best boss I'll ever have, the environment is motivating, I get to try out my own ideas, and did I mention an office? I just started a few months ago and I can't wait to see where this position is going to take me.
There's a man sleeping on my couch.
For some reason I find it strange that my Dad is crashing on my couch. True the circumstances are unusual ,but not totally unavoidable if better planned. So he asks me, and I'm thinking to my self, wasn't not too long ago that I was asking him to borrow the car to hang with my friends? But really it's been years, and since this visit coincided with my birthday, I'm feeling a little aged. No biggy, I'm not complaining. The good news about dear old Dad coming over is that he's moving out of a crumby time in his life to try something new. Specifically he dumped the crack-ho girlfriend! Almost more than my birthday this kick-to-the-curb deserves a celebration!!!
Oh the pent up blogging I need to release...
I have neglected my brand new blog for a week. At it's young age I hope I haven't damaged it. So I've got a few things to talk about that I'll break this up into a few different posts to make more sense.
Friday, March 12, 2004
I'm willing to bet a post like this one is on 90% of blogs out there.
I've started to write about three topics already, and everything is coming out like shit. So hear are a few things that I feel are shitty but can't seem to avoid:
-My cable bill-why should watching HBO and getting online cost me a Ben Franklin?
-Dirty dishes-self explanatory.
-Rude sales people at high end stores-they didn't design the fuckin' shoes, they just say, "would you like your receipt or should I put it in the bag."
-People who lie-although mostly shitty, sometimes a bad liar can be a good laugh.
-Flakey people-friends are good for this but in business, its a sure fire way to lose confidence in someone.
-Traffic-self explanatory.
-Running out of limes-the one day you really need a cosmo, you have zero limes.
-Toll Roads-this is a love hate relationship, love them for how much time they save me, hate them when I'm day dreaming and accidentally miss my toll. A buck twenty-five trip turns into thirty-five big ones.
-Abrasive stairs-the stairs to my apartment are small and abrasive, so I tend to scrape the toes of my pointy shoes a lot.
-Thinking of something witty to say after the fact-man, this one bugs me. If I had a wish, it would be for unfailing, perfectly timed wit.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
It's not Christmas but it has potential
There is one person I give credit to for introducing me to blogging, and it's Kristy. I dedicate this post to you.
I've been introduced to a new holiday today. It's on March 14th, it was inspired by Valentines Day, and its purpose is to let our men know how much we care about them. It's Steak and BJ Day. Just in case you're not clear on what to do for your significant other on this special day refer to the official web site in the side bar. I don't know how my fellow females feel, but I support Steak and BJ Day. Can you think of a better way to persuade the special man in your life to put a little effort into Valentines? Or even the entire month of February and the first part of March if they know you'll be putting out your best efforts. Anyway what's the most you'll have to do, throw a steak on the grill and suffer sore cheeks? Just think about the leverage...
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Inaugural Post
Intense ipsilateral temporal and orbital pain developing 20 to 30 seconds after the introduction of cold stimulus to the posterior palate. Ah yes, the dreaded "ice cream headache." You might describe one as the face twisting pain between your eyes you get when you inhale your wild cherry slurpee. Basically how does one come across the more technical version, well on the Internet. The Internet is home to all sorts of these little goodies. If editorials devoted to the scientific explanation of the "ice cream headache" exist, a blog authored by yours truly shall make a home on the world wide web as well. I can only hope as many people will post comments on my blog that the "brain freeze" has managed to earn.
Bling Bling...Made more money while I was 25 than any other two years combined. Seems obvious since I'm at the point where I'm getting started with a career, but there's more too it. Many of my co-workers doing the same thing made half as much as me. I got lucky getting into the position, but I kicked ass at my job. So now I'm some place new, and not making as much money. The good news is, if all goes as I plan I should be kicking my previous gross income into outer space with in the next few years.
Pink slip...Sounds like a bad thing, but it was probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. I got laid off, and first I was pissed. I was one of the top sales persons in the office, but I got let go because of seniority. But it taught me a few things and opened up the opportunity of a life time. First I learned that I need a job that rewards and compensates for performance, therefore never again accept a position in a company that promotes and fires based on seniority. Second, work for yourself even if you work for someone else. And of course the best part about being laid off, vacation with severance pay!!! All of a sudden having loads of free time and a pay check at the same time let me take vacations of a life time. I spent about five weeks traveling. Some with my family, who even though we fight a lot, I love to spend time with and three of those weeks were in Europe (my first time) on my own. And I loved it. I threw a coin in Trevi fountain because I will be back to Rome. I fell in love with Italy, and all because I got a severance package.
I'm melting...Did what almost every women in America says she'll do but never does, shed a few pounds. I think I'm like most women out there, I just wanted to lose 5 or 10 pounds. No big deal, but I actually did it and it was easy.
We need to talk...I had some really meaningful conversations with Steve. A lot of it good, but even less pleasant conversations have been valuable to our relationship. Thank you Steve.
The icing on the cake...Got a dream job. Independence, unlimited income potential, my own office, and benefits; who could ask for more. I'm not, but guess what, there's more: most everyone I work with is cool (gotta say most cause you never know if my nemesis is disguised for the time being), my boss is possibly the best boss I'll ever have, the environment is motivating, I get to try out my own ideas, and did I mention an office? I just started a few months ago and I can't wait to see where this position is going to take me.
For some reason I find it strange that my Dad is crashing on my couch. True the circumstances are unusual ,but not totally unavoidable if better planned. So he asks me, and I'm thinking to my self, wasn't not too long ago that I was asking him to borrow the car to hang with my friends? But really it's been years, and since this visit coincided with my birthday, I'm feeling a little aged. No biggy, I'm not complaining. The good news about dear old Dad coming over is that he's moving out of a crumby time in his life to try something new. Specifically he dumped the crack-ho girlfriend! Almost more than my birthday this kick-to-the-curb deserves a celebration!!!
Oh the pent up blogging I need to release...
I have neglected my brand new blog for a week. At it's young age I hope I haven't damaged it. So I've got a few things to talk about that I'll break this up into a few different posts to make more sense.
Friday, March 12, 2004
I'm willing to bet a post like this one is on 90% of blogs out there.
I've started to write about three topics already, and everything is coming out like shit. So hear are a few things that I feel are shitty but can't seem to avoid:
-My cable bill-why should watching HBO and getting online cost me a Ben Franklin?
-Dirty dishes-self explanatory.
-Rude sales people at high end stores-they didn't design the fuckin' shoes, they just say, "would you like your receipt or should I put it in the bag."
-People who lie-although mostly shitty, sometimes a bad liar can be a good laugh.
-Flakey people-friends are good for this but in business, its a sure fire way to lose confidence in someone.
-Traffic-self explanatory.
-Running out of limes-the one day you really need a cosmo, you have zero limes.
-Toll Roads-this is a love hate relationship, love them for how much time they save me, hate them when I'm day dreaming and accidentally miss my toll. A buck twenty-five trip turns into thirty-five big ones.
-Abrasive stairs-the stairs to my apartment are small and abrasive, so I tend to scrape the toes of my pointy shoes a lot.
-Thinking of something witty to say after the fact-man, this one bugs me. If I had a wish, it would be for unfailing, perfectly timed wit.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
It's not Christmas but it has potential
There is one person I give credit to for introducing me to blogging, and it's Kristy. I dedicate this post to you.
I've been introduced to a new holiday today. It's on March 14th, it was inspired by Valentines Day, and its purpose is to let our men know how much we care about them. It's Steak and BJ Day. Just in case you're not clear on what to do for your significant other on this special day refer to the official web site in the side bar. I don't know how my fellow females feel, but I support Steak and BJ Day. Can you think of a better way to persuade the special man in your life to put a little effort into Valentines? Or even the entire month of February and the first part of March if they know you'll be putting out your best efforts. Anyway what's the most you'll have to do, throw a steak on the grill and suffer sore cheeks? Just think about the leverage...
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Inaugural Post
Intense ipsilateral temporal and orbital pain developing 20 to 30 seconds after the introduction of cold stimulus to the posterior palate. Ah yes, the dreaded "ice cream headache." You might describe one as the face twisting pain between your eyes you get when you inhale your wild cherry slurpee. Basically how does one come across the more technical version, well on the Internet. The Internet is home to all sorts of these little goodies. If editorials devoted to the scientific explanation of the "ice cream headache" exist, a blog authored by yours truly shall make a home on the world wide web as well. I can only hope as many people will post comments on my blog that the "brain freeze" has managed to earn.
I've started to write about three topics already, and everything is coming out like shit. So hear are a few things that I feel are shitty but can't seem to avoid:
-My cable bill-why should watching HBO and getting online cost me a Ben Franklin?
-Dirty dishes-self explanatory.
-Rude sales people at high end stores-they didn't design the fuckin' shoes, they just say, "would you like your receipt or should I put it in the bag."
-People who lie-although mostly shitty, sometimes a bad liar can be a good laugh.
-Flakey people-friends are good for this but in business, its a sure fire way to lose confidence in someone.
-Traffic-self explanatory.
-Running out of limes-the one day you really need a cosmo, you have zero limes.
-Toll Roads-this is a love hate relationship, love them for how much time they save me, hate them when I'm day dreaming and accidentally miss my toll. A buck twenty-five trip turns into thirty-five big ones.
-Abrasive stairs-the stairs to my apartment are small and abrasive, so I tend to scrape the toes of my pointy shoes a lot.
-Thinking of something witty to say after the fact-man, this one bugs me. If I had a wish, it would be for unfailing, perfectly timed wit.
-My cable bill-why should watching HBO and getting online cost me a Ben Franklin?
-Dirty dishes-self explanatory.
-Rude sales people at high end stores-they didn't design the fuckin' shoes, they just say, "would you like your receipt or should I put it in the bag."
-People who lie-although mostly shitty, sometimes a bad liar can be a good laugh.
-Flakey people-friends are good for this but in business, its a sure fire way to lose confidence in someone.
-Traffic-self explanatory.
-Running out of limes-the one day you really need a cosmo, you have zero limes.
-Toll Roads-this is a love hate relationship, love them for how much time they save me, hate them when I'm day dreaming and accidentally miss my toll. A buck twenty-five trip turns into thirty-five big ones.
-Abrasive stairs-the stairs to my apartment are small and abrasive, so I tend to scrape the toes of my pointy shoes a lot.
-Thinking of something witty to say after the fact-man, this one bugs me. If I had a wish, it would be for unfailing, perfectly timed wit.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
It's not Christmas but it has potential
There is one person I give credit to for introducing me to blogging, and it's Kristy. I dedicate this post to you.
I've been introduced to a new holiday today. It's on March 14th, it was inspired by Valentines Day, and its purpose is to let our men know how much we care about them. It's Steak and BJ Day. Just in case you're not clear on what to do for your significant other on this special day refer to the official web site in the side bar. I don't know how my fellow females feel, but I support Steak and BJ Day. Can you think of a better way to persuade the special man in your life to put a little effort into Valentines? Or even the entire month of February and the first part of March if they know you'll be putting out your best efforts. Anyway what's the most you'll have to do, throw a steak on the grill and suffer sore cheeks? Just think about the leverage...
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Inaugural Post
Intense ipsilateral temporal and orbital pain developing 20 to 30 seconds after the introduction of cold stimulus to the posterior palate. Ah yes, the dreaded "ice cream headache." You might describe one as the face twisting pain between your eyes you get when you inhale your wild cherry slurpee. Basically how does one come across the more technical version, well on the Internet. The Internet is home to all sorts of these little goodies. If editorials devoted to the scientific explanation of the "ice cream headache" exist, a blog authored by yours truly shall make a home on the world wide web as well. I can only hope as many people will post comments on my blog that the "brain freeze" has managed to earn.
I've been introduced to a new holiday today. It's on March 14th, it was inspired by Valentines Day, and its purpose is to let our men know how much we care about them. It's Steak and BJ Day. Just in case you're not clear on what to do for your significant other on this special day refer to the official web site in the side bar. I don't know how my fellow females feel, but I support Steak and BJ Day. Can you think of a better way to persuade the special man in your life to put a little effort into Valentines? Or even the entire month of February and the first part of March if they know you'll be putting out your best efforts. Anyway what's the most you'll have to do, throw a steak on the grill and suffer sore cheeks? Just think about the leverage...
Intense ipsilateral temporal and orbital pain developing 20 to 30 seconds after the introduction of cold stimulus to the posterior palate. Ah yes, the dreaded "ice cream headache." You might describe one as the face twisting pain between your eyes you get when you inhale your wild cherry slurpee. Basically how does one come across the more technical version, well on the Internet. The Internet is home to all sorts of these little goodies. If editorials devoted to the scientific explanation of the "ice cream headache" exist, a blog authored by yours truly shall make a home on the world wide web as well. I can only hope as many people will post comments on my blog that the "brain freeze" has managed to earn.